Thursday, June 21, 2012

The RISE of Abe Lincoln

Please let there be a sequel where he pairs up with Buffy

It has been almost 150 years since Abraham Lincoln met his fate at the hand of John Wilkes Booth, but what Booth certainly did not realize is that he might have killed Lincoln physically, but old Abe soon would return in more ways than anyone could ever imagine.
Oh Redbox, you always have to provide the cheap knock-off

Abe has popped up in virtually every way, but none so bizarre as his current incarnation as a vampire hunter.  Most people would assume that as a history teacher, I would be totally against and appalled by the whole concept, but I have to admit that when the book came out a couple of years ago I bought it on the release date.  While I might be a history teacher, I cannot really characterize myself as a stuffy purist who picks apart every single aspect of history.  Yes, truth does matter, but when it comes to watching a historical movie and bashing the costume designs because the buttons are not totally authentic, then I have to kind of snub my nose at those historians.  Sometimes it is possible to be too not picky about things.

The whole idea of Abe being portrayed as a vampire hunter does not really bother me because the whole concept is beyond ridiculous and I think that the public can understand that this is a totally made up movie.  I hardly doubt that a student will approach me in the future and ask if it really was true. 

I will readily admit that some films do bother me a bit.  All my past students will say that I have a particular distaste for the movie Pocahontas.  My Pocahontas rant has become somewhat famous the past several years.  Now, I do not have any sort of vendetta against Disney.  I am an annual pass holder to DisneyWorld and I still get all giddy when I get into the parks.  Yes, I am the adult that is posing with all the characters!  The problem I have always had with Pocahontas is that it made very little attempt to tell the real story.  Instead they chose to portray the mythical side of the story and even threw in that lovey dovey junk between her and John Smith.  My students have always been horrified to discover that at the time of the actual events, Pocahontas was not some buxom, long haired adventuress, but a girl of roughly 12 years of age. 

I guess even the worst movies can have their advantages though.  My hope is that Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter will encourage people to actually seek out real information about Abe.  Movies can have a very powerful effect on getting people interested once again in the events of so long ago. 

I know that I will definitely be seeing the movie this weekend and will be swinging my axe right along with Lincoln, that is if the buttery popcorn does not make me lose my grip.

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