Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Stress-Less Review

Yes, it is that almost that time of year when both students and teachers face the stress of finishing the semester. With so much to do and seemingly so little time, it is often hard to just stop and take a breath at times.  Here are a few little tips to curb some of the stress we all deal with both during exams and the year in general.


There are a few apps that I love to make use of both in and out of the classroom.  My absolute favorite is one called Breeze which is a wind chime app that provides a set of virtual wind chimes.  You get to control various aspects, including the style of wind chime, the background, and even the weather and wind.  It's very calming and it's one that I enjoy projecting onto our board before a test or quiz.

Another great set of apps which focus on breathing are 5 Minute Relax and Breathe2Relax which offers up short deep breathing exercises which can seriously calm down anxiety in just a matter of minutes.


Yes, it does look like an alien egg.
Yes, every classroom has a smell.  Being a teacher in humid Florida, my classroom tends to smell like sweaty middle schoolers who have not yet discovered the joys of deodorant. One thing that creates a nice and calming environment is my air defuser which pumps a pleasant smelling mist into the air.  Generally, I choose a citrus or lemon essential oil because it is not overpowering like some of the others like patchouli. I know that many schools have restrictions about candles, so the air defuser is a wonderful alternative.


During the hustle and bustle of the school day, sometimes it is nice to reflect on what we are thankful for.  I know that I'm sounding a lot like Oprah, but it really does work.  Take a minute or so and have students reflect on just one thing that they are happy or thankful for.  This can be done as a journal activity or have students fill out a slip of paper. I like to keep a special box in my room where we can collect them and return to them from time to time.  It's a very simple exercise and tends to ground students a bit before the regular class can begin.

Creating an inviting classroom is important for all who come in the door.  These suggestions do not take much time and naturally do not have to be done every day.  We all know that situations arise where we simply need to step back and chill before progressing forward. No, we will never eliminate all stress from our lives, but creating our own strategies can be helpful both for us as teachers and our students.

Oh and by the way, my classroom is really not a spa, although a professional masseuse would be awesome!

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